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Street zumba kicks off Women’s Month in QC

Posted on 06 March 2024 No comments


QC celebrates Women's Month with a zumba dance (Manila Bulletin photo)

Thousands of women converged earlier today on Visayas Avenue in Quezon City to kick off the annual celebration of Women’s Month with a Zumba dance.

An estimated 6,000 women participated in the dance dubbed as “Sumayaw at Umindak 2.0” and March 8 and Women’s Day.


The celebration of the annual National Women’s Month in the Philippines was made possible through Proclamation No 224 of 1988, which declared the first week of March of every year as Women’s Week. March 8, 1988 and every year thereafter was declared as Women’s Rights and International Peace Day.

In later years, March came to be known as Women’s Month.

Women are taught macrame making to enhance their creativity

Over at the Consulate, a macramé workshop titled “Juana, Can!” will be held on Sunday, Mar 17, at the Consulate’s conference room in celebration of National Women’s Month.

The activity is aimed at enhancing women’s creativity through the art of macramé knotting and creating unique handcrafted pieces. 


It’s in line with the annual event’s agenda of supporting women empowerment rhgouth education and capacity-building programs.

To join, register through this link: or by scanning the QR code in the poster above.

Slots are limited, so participants will be accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis.For any questions or clarifications, please send an email to

Filipina cleared of overstaying after prosecutor offers no evidence

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The case was heard at Shatin court

A young Filipina was cleared of a charge of overstaying after the prosecutor offered no evidence at Shatin Court yesterday (March 5).

Instead, B. Basilio, 19 years old, entered into a bind-over agreement, under which she promised not to reoffend for one year. If she does, she would be fined $1,000.

Acting Principal Magistrate Amy Chan also charged $1,000 for court costs to her, which was the amount she had tendered as bail.


Hong Kong's Community Legal Information Centre (CLIC) defines a bind over as "neither a conviction nor a punishment. It is a preventative measure whereby a person enters into a recognisance before the court (gives a promise) to engage in good behavior and to keep the peace for a period not exceeding three years."

Basilio was charged with breach of condition of stay, a violation of Section 41 of the Immigration Ordinance which sets a penalty of up to two years' imprisonment.


When she arrived in Hong Kong as a visitor, she was allowed by an Immigration officer to stay for two weeks until Feb. 8, 2023.

However, according to the charge sheet, Basilio remained until Sept. 27, 2023 -- an overstay of more than seven months.

Public housing applicant gets suspended sentence for false declaration

Posted on 05 March 2024 No comments


The Choi Hung Estate is one of the most photographed public rental housing 

A local resident was sentenced to one month’s imprisonment, suspended for a year, after being found to have made a false declaration in his application for public  rental housing.

According to the Housing Department, the applicant stated in his application that he was married when he was in fact already in the process of obtaining a divorce.


He was prosecuted for knowingly making a false statement in his application, contrary to Section 26(1)(c) of the Housing Ordinance, to which he pleaded not guilty. A two-day trial at Kwun Tong Magistracy led to his conviction.

In sentencing, the magistrate considered the gravity of the offence and a report on the suitability of imposing an order for community service, and decided on a suspended sentence.


The HD said in a statement that is spares no effort in combatting false declarations made in applications for public rental housing, which are offered to low-income earners at very affordable rates.

Anyone convicted of making such false declarations are liable to prosecution and upon conviction, to a maximum sentence of six months’ imprisonment and $50,000 fine.

Only the best (and very expensive expats) for Singapore

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Singapore's employment hub by the Jubilee bridge (Singapore govt photo)

Singapore has upped the ante for attracting the best expatriate executives and professionals from abroad.

In a government statement issued Monday, the Singapore government announced that starting next year, foreign executives must be paid no less than S$5,600 ($4,170 or P233,649) a month – up from the current S$5,000 – to qualify for the so-called employment passes typically granted to high-paid professionals.

Those in the financial sector will have to be paid more, their qualifying salary will be raised to S$6,200 from S$5,500.


Singapore’s manpower ministry said the move is meant to “ensure that EP (employment pass) holders are of high quality, and to maintain a level playing field for locals”.

The Southeast Asian financial hub has displaced many cities in the region, including Hong Kong, as the favorite location for foreign firms to base their regional headquarters.

But like its neighbors, Singapore has to allay fears of local workers that their employment opportunities will be hampered if foreigners are allowed to get in easily


As of June last year, there were 197,300 foreigners on employment passes in Singapore, out of a total foreign workforce of about 1.5 million. The country has a population of 5.9 million.

Since the pandemic hit in 2020, the minimum salary for expatriate executives has been raised three times, with the latest, of S$4,500 to S$5,000, taking effect only in September last year.

Unique Philippine jewels showcased in HK Intl Jewelry show

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CG Germie Usudan (left) admires some of the Filipino artisans' unique creations 

Members of the Meycauayan Jewelry Industry Association proudly shared their eye-catching works at the recently concluded 40th Hong Kong International Jewellery Show which was held from Feb 29 to Mar 4 at the Convention and Exhibition Center in Wan Chai.

Those who joined the prestigious show were Jevan Jewelry, Bijoux By Lori Hermoso, V.Y. Domingo Jewellers Incorporated, Kit Silver Jewellery, and Ricel’s Jewellery – all from the Meycauyan group led by its chair, Cecilia Ramos.


Their participation was made possible by the Philippine Trade and Investment Centre in Hong Kong (PTIC-Hong Kong), which is under the Philippine Consulate General. ConsulGeneral Germinia Aguilar-Usudan was among those who graced the exhibit launch.

Among those displayed by the Filipino exhibitors were export-quality pieces in gold and silver, antique-inspired setting, gem sets and lots of pearls, including the country’s world-famous South Sea pearls.


Until the pandemic struck, the Jewellery Show used to be held annually by the Hong Kong Trade and Development Council  (HKTDC) and attracts around 4,000 exhibitors from more than 40 countries.

This year, the “two shows, two venues” format for the exhibit was restored for the first time since the pandemic.

The Jewellery Show 2024 was held concurrently with HKTDC’s 10th Hong Kong International Diamond, Gem & Pearl Show at the AsiaWorld-Expo.

Eat healthy and exercise more to avoid obesity!

Posted on 04 March 2024 No comments


More than a third of people in HK are centrally obese

The Department of Health marked World Obesity Day today, March 4, by appealing to the public to develop a healthy lifestyle to avoid becoming obese.

The statement came with statistics from the Population Health Survey done in 2020-2022 which showed that 32.6 percent or nearly a third of people in Hong Kong aged between 15 and 84 are obese. That means, those with a body mass index equal to or greater than 25.

About a quarter, or  22 percent, are overweight while 37.8 percent are classified as centrally obese, or those with an excess accumulation of fat in the mid-section or abdominal area.


Men with waistlines of 90 cm and above, and women with a girth of 80 cm or more are considered centrally obese.

The DH warned, "Obesity is a major risk factor for a number of chronic diseases, including hypertension, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cancer, musculoskeletal disorders and sleep apnoea."

The survey conducted by the DH also showed the unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits of many people in Hong Kong.


About a quarter of persons aged 18 or above did not do enough physical activities, and a whopping 98 percent of people aged 15 and above had inadequate intake (i.e. an average of less than five servings) of fruit and vegetables per day.

To address this problem, the DH’s Student Health Service provides free annual health assessment service for eligible primary and secondary school students.

Through this service, it was determined that for the school year 2022-2023, 19.5 percent of primary school students were overweight, and 20.5 percent for those in secondary school.

World Obesity Day has been observed every March 4 since 2020 to encourage and support practical actions that will help people will help people achieve and maintain a healthy weight and reverse the global obesity crisis.

This year’s theme of "Let's Talk About Obesity And...", is aimed at getting more people to acknowledge and talk about the growing problem of obesity all over the world.

OFW Karatedos show skills, win medals in tournament

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Sensei Rosanto Roldan of ShINto Ryu shows his skills to judges to win the Best Kata Player award

The SKCI-HK team emerged champion in the closely contested Filipino Karatedo Hong Kong (FKA-HK) 7th Tournament held on Feb 11, 2024 at Sun Yat Sen Sports Centre in Sai Ying Pun.

SKCI-HK, led by its Sensei Butch Verceles, amassed 10 gold medals,12 silvers anf eight bronzes to edge two other teams which also won 10 golds as their individual karatedos excelled in four categories, from novice to instructor.


Emerging as first runner-up was Combat, led by Sensei Robert Rebalde, whuch won 12 golds, seven silvers and five bronzes.

Second runner-up was Kaiaido led by Kyoshi Tony Morona, with 10 golds, four silvers and two bronzes.

The tournament saw members of 13 karate teams showing their best in Kata (form) and Kumite (sparring): Houken, led by Sensei Ernesto Veloria; Combat by Sensei Robert Rebalde, SKCI-HK, ked by Sensei Butch Verceles; King Lion, led by Shihan Joemar Agujetas; Firewall, led by Sensei Jonacs Nacorda; Bakmari, led by Shihan Myrna Cabael; Eagle Comando, led by Shihan Jimmy Opalec Jr.; Wado, led by Sensei Jayson Cacayorin; Kaiaido, led by Kyoshi Tony Morona; GASMAA, led by Shihan Arman Dano; Comando, led by Sensei Leoniza Dolendo; Shodokai, led by Sensei Rudy Accad; and Roukan, led by, led by Sensei Franz Suarez.


The guest speaker was Assistant Labor Attache Antonio R. Villafuerte, who expressed government support for OFW activities such as this.

In a message, one of the tournament organizers, Ace Daniel Castillo, congratulated all the winners and the teams who participated.

He also thanked the sponsors: “Your support played a key role in the success of our event, and we appreciate your participation and generosity.”

The FKA-HK (Filipino Karatedo Association Hong Kong) was founded as Yudanshakai SKCI in 2016 and was renamed in 2018 as the Filipino Shotokan Karatedo Association HK.

In 2022, it adopted its present name to allow other karate styles such as Wado Ryu, Shito Ryu and Shorin Ryu to join the tournament it has been organizing for the last seven years.

Its officers are President Butch Verceles of  SKCI-HK, Vice President Joemar Agujetas of  King Lion, Officiating Committee Chairman  Robert Rebalde of Combat and former FKA-HK president and current Adviser Ernesto Veloria of Houken.

 “The FKA-HK's aim is to build unity among the Filipinos, giving them the ability to conquer their fears and opportunity to display their skills and talent through their Kata and Kumite and most importantly to develop sportsmanship – to stay humble when winning and accept defeat when losing,” Castillo said.

Floral art from Phl wins in HK Flower Show 2024

Posted on 03 March 2024 No comments
World Council Philippines' entry won a  'Grand Award' for Design  Excellence

Among the entries from abroad that won a prize at the Hong Kong Flower Show 2024 that ended Sunday night was an entry from the World Flower Council Philippines Chapter that was handed the “Grand Award” for Design Excellence, in the Open Competition Section.

This was the same award that the group won last year, and was shared by another entry from the Philippines, the Blue Grass Project, which again took part this year, but failed to get the nod of judges.

There was no display from the Philippine Consulate this year, unlike last year when its “Pahiyas” booth was awarded a “Merit Award for Unique Feature.”

But the major awards at the yearly display of exotic floral arrangements and horticultural works at Victoria Park were handed out to the different District Offices of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) that competed in the Garden Plot and Environmental Award divisions.

Taking the top award for the Oriental Style Garden Plot Competition was Kwai Tsing District’s “Joy in Nature” while Yau Tsim Mong District’s “Birdsong” was the winner of the Environmental Award for an Oriental Style Garden.

Kwai Tsing won in the Oriental Style Garden Plot cateory 

Wan Chai District copped the two major awards: Its "Vitality from Recycle" was adjudged the best in the Western Style Garden Plot Competition, as well as the Environmental Award for its Western Style Garden.

All entries in the Garden Plot Competitions were meticulously designed by LCSD staff at the District Leisure Services Offices.

Kwai Tsing’s design was inspired by rural villages in the highland areas of Northern Thailand. Inside the plot was a Thai-style hut and garden planted with an array of dazzling flowers and trees.

Adhering to the principle of recycling, the design included a stairway built from felled trees and adorned with environmentally friendly materials.

Yau Tsim Mong’s entry also had a Thai garden but focused on bird conservation and the need to impart to visitors the joy of connecting with nature.

Wan Chai's Western Garden design won in the Garden Plot and Environmental Award categories

Wan Chai’s back-to-back winner was a garden plot that integrated ideas for greening with gardening aesthetics. The footpaths in the plot were paved with wood pieces from felled trees, while a little bridge was built with logs. The pavilion was made of recycled materials while a small greenhouse was built using plastic bottles, and a small water pool with oyster shells.

As of press time, the winners of the online voting contest called “My Most Favourite Garden Plot” has yet to be announced. Voters were asked to choose their favourites from the garden plot entries of the 18 districts, for the chance to win free air tickets.

This year’s show dubbed “Floral Joy Around Town” with angelonia as the theme flower is organised by the LCSD, with the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust providing major support for the 12th consecutive year.

It is one of the events under Art March of the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau.

CHP warns of global spread of measles

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Telltale signs of measles are rashes all over the body (CDC photo)

The Centre for Health Protection has issued a warning against measles, after a 22-year-old local man who had visited Malaysia, was diagnosed with the viral disease.

But earlier, two other measles cases were detected in Hong Kong, and both patients, an 11-month-old baby boy and a three-year-old boy, had not been out of the city during the incubation period.

The CHP warned that there has a been surge in measles infection lately, with more than 300,000 cases being reported globally last year, up a massive 80 percent from 2022.

Buksan ang mga tip

Low vaccination rate in Asian and European countries after the pandemic appear to account for the upsurge in measles cases.

One of those grappling with a surge in cases is the United Kingdom, which lost the measles-free status it acquired in 2017 only two years later, just before the pandemic.

Last month, the UK Health Security Agency declared that the country is in the midst of a measles emergency after hundreds of children had contracted measles, especially in the West Midlands.


Officials fear the outbreak could spread to other towns and cities unless urgent action is taken to boost the vaccination rate.

To keep the measles at bay, officials have sent letters to parents of unvaccinated children to urge them to go for the shots.

Currently, only about 85% of susceptible children under 16 years old are vaccinated, when a 95% coverage is needed to guard against the disease.


HK’s CHP is also urging people who have not been infected or jabbed to get inoculated, whatever their age. It is also advising parents with kids under one who are not due for the first dose of the vaccine to  avoid travelling to places where there are outbreaks.

Measles is an acute, highly contagious viral disease capable of causing epidemics. It remains as one of the leading causes of death among children globally.

The measles virus infects the respiratory tract, then spreads throughout the body. Symptoms include high fever, runny rose and a rash all over the body. 


Immunisation has dramatically reduced the incidence of measles worldwide, but frequent outbreaks continue, especially in Europe and Asia.

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