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Feeding pigeons could get you jailed and fined up to $100k

02 August 2024

The law against feeding wild pigeons will be enforced in both private and public areas

Starting this month, the maximum fine for the illegal feeding of feral or wild pigeons has gone up to $100,000 which is 10 times higher than the $10,000 set previously.

The new penalty is provided for under the Wild Animals Protection (Amendment) Bill 2023, which also provides that the offence can be discharged by paying a fixed penalty of $5,000 on the spot.


In announcing the stricter law, the authorities said there will be a grace period of until Aug. 31, when offenders will be issued with just a warning. After this period, violators will be meted appropriate penalty without prior warning.

Officers from various government departments, including the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, Housing Department, and Leisure and Cultural Services Department, are empowered to enforce the law on both public and private premises.

Pindutin para sa detalye

The harsher penalty is aimed at reducing the feeding of wild animals and address associated nuisances and sanitary concerns like the birds shedding feathers, dropping poop and pestering people for food, while potentially transmitting viruses.

Being fed by people in these areas is seen to have served as an incentive for the pigeons to forage and gather in increasing numbers.

Basahin ang detalye!

To promote the revised law, government officials held an outreach event at Hang Hau Station on Sunday to inform people about the stricter rules. They also called on citizens to report any violators to make the new law more effective.

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