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3 mainland tourists arrested for moonlighting as photographers

18 August 2024


One of two women photographers from the mainland is shown being arrested

If you come in as tourists in Hong Kong, you should not take up any work, paid or unpaid, or you could be arrested for breaching your condition of stay.

This was what three mainland tourists learned the hard way, after they were arrested by immigration agents over two consecutive days for allegedly moonlighting as photographers upon entering Hong Kong. 

According to a statement issued by the Immigration Department on Friday, the three, comprising a man and two women aged between 25 and 30, were among several mainlanders who had been advertising cheap wedding and street photography services in Hong Kong.


They would enter as tourists and charge fees ranging from $1,000 to $1,500.

Immigration agents pretended to be customers and arrested the three suspects while they were taking photos of their clients. Seized from the suspects were smartphones and photographic equipment.

The department said it cannot rule out further arrests, and reiterated the warning that taking up illegal work, or hiring people not lawfully employable, are serious offences.

Basahin ang detalye!

In this particular case, anyone who hires the services of the suspected illegal workers could also be held liable.

Immigration said it would strengthen enforcement actions against illegal employment and “seek various means to publicise the serious consequences of employing illegal workers in order to raise public awareness of the issue.”

It warned that any person who is “found organising, arranging or instigating others to commit serious crimes such as employing illegal workers," will be arrested.

The maximum penalty for illegal work is two years imprisonment and a fine of $50,000. Those who employ them could be jailed for up to ten years and fined a maximum of $500,000. 

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