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13 persons arrested in latest anti-illegal work sweep

10 August 2024


One of the arrested workers is  led to a waiting van

Nine suspected illegal workers and four employers were arrested in the latest territory-wide operations by agents of the Immigration Department conducted over four days, from August 5 to 8.

According to a statement issued by Immigration, 58 target locations were raided, including an industrial building, undergoing renovation, and restaurants.

The suspected illegal workers comprised three men and six women, aged 25 to 64. Among them were two women holding recognisance forms, which prohibit them from taking any employment.


In addition, two men and three women were found to be in possession of a forged Hong Kong identity card, respectively.

Two men and two women, aged 38 to 56, were suspected of employing the illegal workers and were also arrested.

Immigration warned that anyone who violates the condition of stay in Hong Kong is guilty of an offence and will be liable for prosecution and penalty. The punishment gets more severe if the culprit is subject of a removal or deportation order, an overstayer or was refused permission to land.

Basahin ang detalye!

Visitors are also advised that they should not take up any job, whether paid or unpaid, without the permission of the Director of Immigration. Offenders face a maximum fine of $50,000 and up to two years' imprisonment.

Employers of illegal workers face the harshest sentence of 10 years in jail, and $500,000 in fine.

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