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HK forms 8 care teams for ethnic minorities

28 July 2024


CS Eric Chan (middle) leads other govt officials in the launch of the EM care teams

Eight ethnic minority care teams were set up today, Sunday, and Chief Secretary Eric Chan said  two more will be added by the end of the year.

The care teams will enhance the services provided by the government-funded support centers for ethnic minorities, each with an operating annual budget of $11 million.

Chan said the care teams will provide personal visits, outreach and information services to ethnic minority members, and refer them to relevant government departments or organizations as needed.


One of their primary tasks is to relay information to parents as to where they can send their children  to school in the district where they live.

“Most of the members of the team are also from the ethnic minority community, so they speak the same language as those they serve and can understand and respond to their needs more easily,” he said.

Pindutin para sa detalye

Chan noted that Hong Kong has over 300,000 ethnic minority residents at present, and the government aims to help them become a more integral part of the city.

“They need to integrate into society to realise their full potential,” Chan said at the launch ceremony.

“Not only have they enriched our city's cultural diversity, but they have also contributed to its development in many ways.”  

The launch fulfils the promise made by Chief Executive John Lee  in his policy address last year of expanding support for ethnic minorities by setting up care teams across the city’s 18 districts, as well as additional support service centers for them.

The new centers that will start operating by year’s end, along with two more care teams, will be set up in Kowloon Central and in New Territories East.I

Basahin ang detalye!

The eight that are already operating can be found here:

Among the services provided by the centers are orientation programs, language and after-school tutorials, community integration workshops, youth activities, counselling services and skills training.

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