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12 persons arrested in latest anti-illegal work operation

20 July 2024


Three of those arrested are led away to a prison van by Immigration officers

A total of 12 persons, comprising nine suspected illegal workers and three employers, were arrested by Immigration officers in its latest crackdown on illegal work.

The arrests were made over four consecutive days, from July 15 to 19, and targeted restaurants, massage parlors and premises under renovation, particularly in Central.

In a raid on nine locations, five suspected illegal workers and one employer were arrested.


The workers comprised two men and three women, aged 24 to 46. Two of them were holders of recognizance papers which prohibit them from taking any employment, while two others possessed forged Hong Kong identity cards.

One man, aged 28, was arrested on suspicion of employing the illegal workers.

In separate raids on 44 premises in Central, four suspected illegal workers and two employers were arrested.

Pindutin para sa detalye

The illegal workers comprised two men and two women aged 37 to 49. One woman was found to be a recognizance paper holder while another possessed a fake HK ID card.

Two men, aged 47 and 63, were arrested for hiring them.

Immigration again warned that anyone who violates a condition of stay in Hong Kong commits a serious offence, for which the maximum sentence is two years’ imprisonment and $50,000 in fine.


The maximum jail term rises to three years if the offender is subject of a removal or deportation order, an overstayer or a person who was refused permission to land.

Apart from this, an illegal worker found to have used a forged HK identity card can be jailed for up to 10 years and fined a maximum of $100,000.

Employers of illegal workers face up to $500,000 in fine and 10 years in jail.

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