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OWWA admin back in HK for Fil Migrant Workers Day

01 June 2024


The celebration features OWWA chief Arnell Ignacio, a former TV actor and singer,
alongside acclaimed singers Jed Madela and Reiven Um

Administrator Arnell Ignacio of the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration will be back in Hong Kong this Sunday, Jun 2, to lead the celebration of the Filipino Migrant Workers Day on Chater Road.*

Admin Ignacio will deliver the keynote speech in the afternoon of the whole-day celebration, which will start with street zumba, to be led by invited artists from the Philippines.  

The OWWA chief might just spring another surprise like in last year’s celebration, when he joined overseas Filipino workers in their morning zumba session.


However, OWWA welfare officer Marilou M. Sumalinog said Admin Ignacio’s schedule for the day does not include any meeting with Filipino community leaders.

Also slated to deliver a speech is Consul General Germinia Aguilar-Usudan, while Labor Attache Mel Dizon will give a message of support.

Spicing up the celebration is the TFC 30th live concert starting at 4pm, featuring acclaimed Filipino artists and singers Jed Madela  and Reiven Umali.


Throughout the day, various Filipino community organizations will take part in various numbers, including a street dance, a mass dance, as well as song and talent competitions.

Top prizes await the winners in two contests, OFWs Got Talent and Battle of the Bands, where the grand winner will receive $10,000 cash as prize.

The June 2 event is co-organized by the Department of Migrant Workers, OWWA, the Philippine Consulate General (PCG) and Global Alliance Hong Kong.

It kick-starts a whole month of celebration of the 126th Philippine Independence Day, including a Diplomatic Reception and Breakfast Gathering on June 12 both hosted by the PCGl and the Annual Dinner Ball on Jun 7  Kapangyawan Luncheon gathering on Jun 16, both organized by the Philippine Association of Hong Kong. 

There will also be whole-day celebrations on Chater Road on the three remaining Sundays of June organized by various groups, including the traditional Independence Day parade and show on June 9.

* Under Republic Act 10022 which was signed into law in 1995, the Philippines has been observing June 7 as Migrant Workers Day. However, International Migrant Workers Day is held every December 18 each year.

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