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MWO airs warning on new sex video, tells victim to seek help

30 June 2024


PCG warns uploading or sharing obscene photos/videos is a serious offence in HK (File)
The Migrant Workers Office has expressed extreme distress over a video being shared among  Filipinos in Hong Kong showing a woman being forced into having sex by three men who appeared to be South Asians.

Reports reaching the MWO suggested that the incident happened in Hong Kong, and that the victim was a Filipina domestic helper. However, there has been no independent confirmation of this. 

Others say everyone in the video, including the woman, appeared South Asian.


A number of Filipinos who have seen the video say they were very disturbed by its graphic content, and are asking officials of the Consulate to look into the matter immediately and take action if the victim was indeed a Filipina.

An officer of the MWO contacted by The SUN acknowledged being sent a copy of the video by someone she did not know, and when she inquired as to how it got into the sender’s hand, it was immediately deleted.

The MWO officer said she had already inquired with the Assistance to Nationals Section of the Philippine Consulate on what possible action they could take, but was told that it would be difficult to send it on to the police without knowing how it came about, who had uploaded it, and whether the victim was indeed a Filipina.


Without any of this information being made available to them, the most that the MWO could do at this stage is to appeal to anyone who has knowledge about the video, and especially the victim if she was indeed a Filipina, to contact them immediately so they can take action.

Anyone who has relevant information in this regard may call the hotlines of ATN: 9155 4023;  MWO: 5529 1880; and  OWWA: 6345 9324. All information will be handled with the strictest confidence.

At the same time, the Consulate again warned Filipinos to stop uploading or sharing the video as this violates Hong Kong ‘s Control of Indecent and Obscene Articles Ordinance.

Under this law, anyone who uploads or shares obscene or indecent photos or videos of oneself or other people commits an offence, for which the maximum penalty is three years’ imprisonment and fine of up to $1 million.

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