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Labour Sec tells FDHs, you're welcome to HK but avoid violating laws

19 June 2024

Sun says FDHs must consult their consulates and check Labour's website for reliable information

Hong Kong Labor Secretary Chris Sun has called on foreign domestic helpers to avoid falling foul with the law, amid the spike in the number of helpers being arrested for money laundering – often because they created, lent or sold their bank accounts to scammers.

Sun made his comments on the sidelines of a diplomatic reception held at the Conrad in Admiralty on June 12 to mark the 126th anniversary of the declaration of Philippine Independence.

Responding to a question from The SUN on whether he had a  message for FDHs on how they can avoid getting entangled in scams and money laundering, Sun said: “Take care of yourselves, you are welcome in Hong Kong (but) make sure you are doing things in accordance with the law.”


He advised: “If someone comes to you and offers you a small sum of money to open a bank account for them, and you suspect that they will do something illegal, make sure not to accept the money.”

Sun added that for newcomers, they must get all the information they need about living and working in Hong Kong from their respective consulates general, or from the website of the Labour Department.

Sun joins Philippine Consul General Germinia Usudan, HK Finance Secretary Paul Chan
and Senator Peter Cayetano in a toast to Philippine Independence Day

Signaling the urgent need to get migrant workers understand the gravity of being arrested and prosecuted for money laundering, Labour scheduled a briefing next month, where FDHs will get to hear not just their rights and obligations under the law, but also how they can avoid getting scammed.

“As always, at the Labour Department… if there is something that merits our attention we make sure that we will provide the relevant information,” said Sun.

He added that if necessary, Labour will hold more briefings on the subject.  “I think the key is, as usual, let’s get together and talk more to each other, (to) make sure that all domestic workers in Hong Kong know what they should, and should not do.”

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