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27 persons arrested in latest anti-illegal work operations

22 June 2024


One of  those arrested appears to have been doing renovation work when found

A total of 27 people were arrested by the combined forces of the Immigration Department and the Hong Kong Police over four days of anti-illegal work operations earlier this week.

Those arrested during a sweep of 137 target locations from June 17 to 20 were 16 suspected illegal workers, three employers, one aider and abettor, three overstayers and four illegal immigrants.

Eight of those arrested were rounded up in the first round of raids on 19 premises, including a number that were under renovation, restaurants and a retail shop.


Those arrested on suspicion of working illegal comprised five men and two women, aged 23 to 44. Two of the men and one woman held recognisance forms, which prohibit them from taking any employment. One man, aged 63, was suspected of employing the illegal workers and was also arrested.

In two separate operations that targeted 118 locations in Eastern, New Territories North and Western Districts, nine suspected illegal workers were arrested, along with two employers, one aider and abettor, three overstayers and four illegal immigrants.

The suspected illegal workers comprised six men and three women, aged 27 to 59. Arrested with them were two men, aged 48 and 64, who were suspected of employing the illegal workers.


The arrested overstayers comprised three women, aged 42 to 51 while the illegal immigrants comprised three men and one woman, aged 27 to 57.

Immigration warned anew that anyone who violates the condition of their stay in Hong Kong shall be guilty of an offence. Visitors are forbidden from taking up work, whether paid or unpaid. Those who violate this law face a maximum fine of $50,000 and up to two years' imprisonment.

The prescribed jail term goes up to three years maximum, if the person arrested is the subject of a removal or deportation order, an overstayer or a person who was refused permission to land.

Employers of illegal workers face stiffer penalties, with the maximum fine shooting up to $500,000 and the jail term rising to 10 years. Moreover, the courts prescribe immediate jail custody for the employer.

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