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Psychiatric report ordered for child molester ahead of sentencing

07 May 2024


Tiquia was detained at Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre ahead of his sentencing (Wikimedia photo)

A High Court judge ordered a Filipino electronic engineer to be remanded at Siu Lam Psychiatric Center earlier today, so a psychiatric and psychological examination can be conducted on him before his sentencing for three counts of indecent assault on a young girl.

Judge Andrew Chan said he wanted to make sure Joel M. Tiquia, 51, did not pose a risk to the community before determining the appropriate sentence on him.

He set down the sentencing in the afternoon of May 29, saying he wanted the case finished  as soon as possible.


Judge Chan earlier noted that the court files on Tiquia’s previous conviction in 2016 for two counts of indecent assault on a woman had been lost. However, the judge said he was able to retrieve the transcripts of the proceedings in the magistrate’s court where the case was heard.

In that earlier case, Tiquia was sentenced to three weeks in jail for committing indecent assault twice on a woman in a shuttle bus. 

In the first incident which happened in December 2015, he touched the arm of the woman, and about two weeks later, he deliberately sat next to the same woman and rubbed himself against her.


Judge Chan told the defense counsel, “It seems to me that your client has shown some sexually deviant behavior.”

Told that Tiquia was remorseful and just wanted the case to be resolved soon, the judge said this may be the case, but a full psychiatric and psychological report on the defendant, as well as the psychological impact on his victim, were still needed to come up with an appropriate sentence.

Tiquia admitted three counts of indecent assault on a girl inside a flat in Caribbean Coast in Tung Chung, which started in April 2017 when the victim was just seven years old. He repeated the assault the next year, and again  in October 2021, when the girl was 11.

Tiquia pleaded guilty to the charges nearly two years after committing the final offence. He was allowed to post bail until last month, when the judge ordered him taken into custody pending a review of his previous convictions.  

According to the Section 122 (1) of Crimes Ordinance of Hong Kong, a crime of indecent assault could fetch up to 10 years in prison.

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