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DH charged for spending spree on employer’s credit card

23 May 2024


Two of the purchases were made at Worldwide Plaza (photo from Google Maps)

A Filipina domestic helper was hauled to Eastern Court yesterday for allegedly stealing her employer’s credit card and then using it three times on her day off to dine and shop.

Maria Fe Narcisco, 32 years old, was charged with one count of theft and three counts of obtaining property by deception, in violation of the Theft Ordinance.

Her lawyer offered a bail of $2,000 in cash so she could be released from detention, with the promise to report to police regularly and surrender her passport, but it was was opposted by the prosecutor .


Magistrate Minnie Wat sided with the prosecutor, saying there were sufficient gounds Narciso would not return to the court if freed on bail, having been terminated by her employer so she has no permanent address where she could be found.

Magistrate Wat also noted that she made an admission under caution during police investigation.

Narciso was thus remanded in jail custody until the next hearing on July 17, but Wat also scheduled a bail review on May 30.

Narciso is accused of stealing a Mastercard credit card issued by Bank of China to her employer, Au Shuk Chi, from the latter’s home in Sunway Garden in North Point last May 18.

She then allegedly used the card the next day, a Sunday, at the KFC restaurant in Shau Kei Wan Road, to pay for a lunch set.

Later that same day, she allegedly used the credit card to buy one gold ring from the Luvenus store in Worldwide Plaza, then proceeded to another store nearby, Friendly Jewelry, and bought another gold ring.

The charge sheet did not specify the amounts involved.

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