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Man accused of helping 4 DH visa applicants lie to Immigration

12 February 2024


A Filipino accused of helping four visa applicants to lie to the Immigration Department to be able to obtain a domestic helper’s visa, has remained in detention after prosecutors asked Shatin Court for an adjournment to continue to study his case.

Homer Herrera, 40 years old, is charged with four counts of “aiding and abetting the making a false representation to an Immigration Officer lawfully acting under or in the execution of Part III of the Immigration Ordinance.”

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The offense is a violation of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance and the immigration Ordinance.

In a hearing last Thursday (Feb. 8), Magistrate David Chum scheduled the resumption of the case for April 18.


According to the first charge of the case filed by the Immigration Department, Herrera “did aid and abet” a certain Susna Rai on Jan. 5, 2022 in informing an Immigration officer that she would be employed by a certain Analiza Chan as a domestic helper, “which she knew to  be false or did not believe to be true.”

In the second charge, Herrera was accused of committing the offense on Aug. 11, 2022, for visa applicant Kaur Amandeep and supposed to be employer was Analiza Chan.


In the third charge, the visa applicant on Nov. 5, 2021 was Jumiyati and the employer was Liza Quitorio Castillo.

In the third charge, the visa applicant on May 13, 2021 was Maria Chona Cagol and the employer was Jessebel Questo Clarke.

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