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Ex-musician charged in $5.5 million laundering case

05 January 2024


Ledesma says he lost control of his bank account after collecting the $10k Covid aid from the govt

A Filipino who used to work as a musician in Hong Kong appeared in District Court yesterday, Jan. 4, charged with one count of laundering through his bank account a total of about HK$5.55 million in illicit funds more than three years ago.

Jose Rizaldo R. Ledesma, who is said to go by two other names and is 57 years old, was charged alongside Wong Chiu-sang, 51, who faces a separate count of laundering the equivalent of more than HK$7.30 million in his own bank account.


No plea was taken and both men were allowed to extend their bail - $300 for Ledesma and $4,000 for Wong -- until the next hearing of their case on March 12.

Chief District Judge Justin Ko allowed the postponement of the cases after both defendants applied through counsel for more time to seek legal advice, particularly for the amendment of the charges against them.


Judge Ko also asked if Ledesma could understand English as there was no Tagalog interpreter around, and he said yes. However, he later said he wished to have a Tagalog interpreter with him at the next hearing.

The judge also confirmed directly with the two men if they wanted to apply for an adjournment and for their bail to be extended until then.

The two defendants are charged with one count each of “dealing with property known or believed to represent proceeds of an indictable offence,” commonly known as money laundering, which is contrary to section 25(1) and (3) of the Organized Crimes Ordinance, Cap 455. The offence is punishable by up to 14 years in jail and a maximum fine of $5 million.


Ledesma, who is said to be also known by the names Jose Rizaldo Raymundo Ledesma and Tose Rizhido R. Leoesma, is accused of having laundered a total sum of 5,500 Euros and USD706,468.21 in his Bank of China account between Aug 5, 2020 and Oct 21, 2020.

Wong is charged with laundering through his Standard Chartered Bank account a total of HK$1,705,319.28 and USD719,851.25 between Aug 13, 2020 and October 31, 2020.


There was no mention why the two defendants were charged together, although the timing of the alleged offences indicate a connection.

After the hearing, Ledesma said he had told the police he had no knowledge of the illegal transactions made using his account which he lost control of shortly after collecting the $10,000 Covid aid relief from the government which was handed out in July 2020.

He also said he would apply for legal representation through Legal Aid, and ask for a Tagalog interpreter to assist him as he had difficulty understanding the legal terms used during the court hearing.

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