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1/3 gram of cocaine puts Filipina in jail

24 January 2024


The sidewalk where the Filipina was arrested 

A little over one third of a gram of cocaine, contained in two small plastic bags, has put a Filipina in jail for eight weeks.

Cherrie Ann Cereneo, 33 years old, pleaded guilty to possession of two plastic bags containing 0.28 gram and 0.09 gram of cocaine, or a total of 0.37 grams, when she appeared at West Kowloon court yesterday (Jan. 23).

Even Magistrate Jason Wan noted the small amount of the drug, but said that because cocaine is a hard drug the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance requires a custodial sentence for its possession.


In sentencing, Wan chose a starting point of six weeks in jail. Because of her guilty plea, he reduced it by a third, leaving four weeks.

Cereneo was arrested on Aug. 9 last year outside King Centre on Dundas St., Mong Kok, Kowloon.

A Drug Rehabilitation Center report that Magistrate Wan earlier ordered had shown that Cereneo was not addicted.


She admitted that the drug was for her own use and insisted, through her lawyer, that she was not keeping the drug for friends.

Her lawyer, in his appeal for a lenient sentence, also said that she was remorseful and promised not to reoffend.

Before Cereneo was led to jail, her lawyer also passed on her two requests: that she be given access to her records, and that she be allowed to use her mobile phone to inform her family and friends about what happened to her.

Wan granted both requests.

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