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Funeral viewing set Sunday for deceased Filcom leader Jong Inocencio

03 July 2023


Jong, big brother to many, died of cardiac arrest on June 18

Family and friends of the late Filipino community leader Jonathan “Jong” Inocencio will have a chance to pay last respects to him on Sunday, July 9, at International Funeral Parlor in Hung Hom.

Inocencio, who was known to many in the community as an events organizer and artist, died of cardiac arrest on June 18, Father’s Day. He was 52.

His son, Ian Christian, said his father was having dinner with his partner, Jingle, along with two friends, when he had a seizure and collapsed. He was taken to Queen Mary Hospital where he was declared dead.


“I love you dad … No more pain, no more sufferings. Thank you for everything you have done for the family,” Christian said in a Facebook a few hours after his father passed on.

“You have fought many battles in your life, yet you remained strong for us. You were a fighter, most of all, a loving father to us…”

Christian recalled how Jong, who was previously confined to a wheelchair and was heavyset, took lots of medicines and exercised so he would lose weight and become healthier.


The effort paid off, as Jong managed to bounce back and resume organizing events, with the last one being a two-day fundraiser in November last year for St Joseph’s Church in Central, which was in the midst of restoration work.

But not a lot of people knew that while he struggled to regain his footing in the field he loved the most, Jong continued to battle several ailments, including a chronic kidney disease that required him to undergo dialysis three times a week.

“Thank you for always fighting thru it all,” said Christian in his tribute.

Jong was a loving father to his son, Christian

In his heyday, Jong was known as the organizer of nearly every big event in the community, from the Philippine Independence Day Ball organized by the Philippine Association of Hong Kong, to the next day’s community celebration on Chater Road.

He also did events for the two biggest TV stations in the Philippines, GMA-7 and ABS-CBN, and for a while, even became the latter’s events coordinator and technical point person in Hong Kong.


Jong was, however, not just the director who ordered people around and spent all his time checking out the sounds and visuals of every production he took charge of. He was also known as the ever jolly, ever friendly, big brother to many in the community, including the Filipino migrant workers he often hung out with.

Maria Cristina Carmen Vitug, who started an online fundraiser for Jong’s funeral, said of him: “The lives he’s touched with his kindness and humanity is countless and the memories of a happy, helpful and compassionate gentle giant that he is will live on in our hearts.”

“He is loved by everyone he met with his generous big-hearted spirit. Jong was known as a hard worker and most of all, he was a devoted father to his son.”


Vitug said Jong’s ailments took a toll not just on his body, but also on his finances. Thus, she started the fund raiser to help Jong’s family manage “the mounting burial bills that they will be facing before he is finally laid to rest.”

The crowdfunding campaign can be found here:

Those who wish to pay their final respects can do so on the 3rd floor of Tsz Yan Hall of  the International Funeral Parlor on Sunday, between 4 and 11 pm; and the next day, Monday, from 7am to 10 am.

For any inquiries, please call Christian at 68494582 or email


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