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Lawmaker calls for scrapping quarantine, negative test result for inbound travelers

18 September 2022

By The SUN


Jeffrey Lam says quarantine restrictions must be dropped immediately

A legislator for the business sector has called on the government to do away with all restrictions for inbound travelers, saying they have ruined Hong Kong’s image as a global centre.

Jeffrey Lam, who also sits with the Executive Council, said that inbound travel rules should be relaxed as soon as possible, as it will be too late to leave it until the end of the year.

His statements came as health officials admitted that the number of daily Covid-19 infections has remained stable. Sunday’s tally was 7,322, which included 132 imported cases.


However, the number of related deaths was up sharply at 23, and involved patients aged between 58 and 94.

Lam’s appeal, made during an interview with Commercial Radio, was issued after organizers of the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon cancelled November’s race, and the 2023 World Dragon Boat Racing event was moved to Thailand.

Oxfam also just announced that the government just denied permission for the holding of its annual Trailwalker, citing concerns over the number of people taking part.


Lam said such news have affected the city’s international image.

"I don't want to force [the government's hand] but I must state the voices of those from the business sector," he said during the radio interview.

As a concession, he said the government can adopt the zero plus seven formula initially, but added “it would be even be better if it's zero plus three."

By this he meant inbound travelers would not be required to undergo hotel quarantine but should observe seven days of medical surveillance, during which they will not be allowed to enter high-risk places such as restaurants.


At the moment, new arrivals are made to undergo three days of hotel quarantine, and then medical surveillance for four more days. During this period, they should do daily self-tests, then PCR tests on the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 9th day of their arrival.

Lam also suggested following the lead of most places by scrapping the pre-boarding requirement for a negative PCR test result, saying it has become more difficult to arrange such tests overseas.

Meanwhile, Dr Albert Au of the Centre for Health Protection echoed a statement made earlier by Health Secretary Lo Chung-mao that the government is actively studying the adoption of the zero plus seven quarantine scheme.


Au said authorities will look into the global pandemic response as well as local data in deciding whether it should revise the current quarantine arrangement.

He was less forthcoming about the call to scrap the requirement for a negative test result, saying it could lead to a rise in imported cases.

 “Authorities will carefully consider the suggestion to cancel the requirement (for) inbound travelers to provide negative report of Covid-19, given that the city is seeing the number of imported confirmed cases maintained at 150 every day,” he said.

Expert says travelers are already tested on arrival so they should not be asked for a negative test result anymore

But a government adviser on the pandemic, Dr David Hui, also said the pre-boarding test requirement could already be dropped. 

Speaking in a separate interview today, Hui argued this test may be skipped because most of those allowed to enter have already been double jabbed at least, and are tested on arrival.

According to Dr Sara Ho of the Hospital Authority, a total of 2,650 Covid-19 patients are receiving treatment in public hospitals. They include 56 who are in critical condition and 51 in severe condition.

Among the 23 deceased patients, 17 did not receive the recommended three vaccine doses.

Meanwhile, of the 132 imported cases, 49 were detected on arrival at Hong Kong airport, 34 during the three-day hotel quarantine, 47 during days 4 to 7, and 2 after this period.

There were more than 10 travelers from these countries who tested positive yesterday: United Kingdom, United States, India and Thailand.
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