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29 kindergarten kids in Yuen Long suffer upper respiratory tract infection

18 September 2021

By The SUN 

29 kids developed URTI symptoms in the kindergarten (File)

The Centre for Health Protection has said in a statement issued Friday that it is investigating an outbreak of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) at a kindergarten-cum-child care centre in Yuen Long.

A total of 29 pupils, comprisijng 16 boys and 13 girls aged between 2 and 5 years old, were afflicted.

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They had developed cough, runny nose, sore throat and fever since September 10, and 24 had to seek medical attention. No one required hospitalization and all are in stable condition.

The CHP appealed to everyone, particularly to staff of institutions. to stay alert and maintain strict personal and environmental hygiene.

The school has been put under medical surveillance and advised to adopt infection control measures against respiratory infections.

Since the symptoms of URTI are similar to those of Covid-19, the school has been put under compulsory testing notice as a precaution, and to exclude the possibility of a coronavirus infection.

The school has been told to suspend the holding of classes for at least five days for cleaning and to comply with the CTN.

One the new cases went to India on Aug 31 and returned to HK on Sept 13

Meanwhile, the CHP also reported three additional confirmed cases of Covid-19, which took the total number of infections to 12,153.

The newly reported cases are all imported. They include a 53-year-old male patient who traveled to India on Aug 31 and returned on Sept 13 via flight EK 384.


He tested negative on arrival, but was found infected with the L452R mutant strain of the virus three days later. He remains asymptomatic.

He received two doses of the BioNTech vaccine in Hong Kong Apr 8 and 30.


As he was in Hong Kong partly during the incubation period, his residential building at Aigburth, Mid-levels and his place of work at Unit 1506A, International Commerce Centre, have been put under compulsory testing notice.

The two others involve a 47-year-old man who flew in from Qatar and tested positive on arrival test; and  45-year-old man who came from Germany and was found infected while in quarantine at 4 Points by Sheraton in Kowloon.

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Both men are asymptomatic and each received two doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine. The first had them in India on Jul 7 and Aug 7, and the other in the United Kingdom on Apr 19 and Jun 22.

The CHP is also investigating two overseas cases of Covid-19.


The first is a 36-year-old male patient who flew to the United States on flight CX892 on Aug 19, and tested negative in Hong Kong on the same day. He developed symptoms in the US and his specimen collected on Aug 29 tested positive.

On Sept 7 he tested negative for Covid-19 and returned to HK on Sept 11 via flight CX851. His test on arrival at HK Airport tested negative but on Sept 14 his specimen was found to carry the L452R mutant strain of the coronavirus.


He received two doses of the BioNTech vaccine in Hong Kong on Jul 19 and Aug 9 in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong is treating this as a re-positive case but as a precaution his residential building and place of work on 18/F, Kinwick Centre, 32 Hollywood Road, Central, have been put under CTN.

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The second case involves a 16-year-old female patient who flew to the United Kingdom on Sept 6 by flight CX 251 and tested negative for Covid-19 two days earlier. But her specimen collected in the UK on Sept 9 tested positive.

She remains asymptomatic. She received two doses of the BioNTech vaccine in Hong Kong on Jul 19 and Aug 9.

As a precaution, the building where she lived, which is Block 9, Villa Esplanada in Tsing Yi, has been put under CTN while CHP conducts an investigation.

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