By The SUN
The pandemic was one of the factors considered in retaining the MAW
The Hong Kong government
has announced that the minimum allowable wage (MAW) for foreign domestic
helpers will remain unchanged at $4,630 per month, and the food allowance, at
not less than $1,121 per month.
The announcement was made a few hours ago, shortly after
Consul General Raly Tejada was notified of the decision, and was asked for help
in disseminating the information.
"We appeal to your understanding of the decision and seek your assistance in conveying the above to your nationals working in Hong Kong as domestic helpers," said the letter to ConGen.
Migrant support organizations were not immediately available for comment.
According to the government's press statement, the decision to keep the
MAW at present levels was made after assessing Hong Kong’s
economic and labour market conditions last year, and its near-term economic
outlook, including the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Taking into account the above, the affordability of
employers and the livelihood of FDHs, the Government has decided that the
levels of the MAW and food allowance for FDHs should remain unchanged,” said
the statement.
It further noted that employers are required to provide FDHs
with food free of charge, or pay the food allowance. At present, it said “the
vast majority of employers provide free food to FDHs.”
It added that employers may choose to pay their FDHs more
than the MAW and minimum food allowance, should they wish to.